Quinn's actual age

Quinn's adjusted age

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sunday bike ride

Just about every Sunday, Quinn and I go for a bike ride around our neighborhood. He loves to be outdoors and he enjoys pointing out all the "ih-ees," which means "kitty" in Quinn speak. As you can imagine, we don't see many kitties, but we do see a lot of dogs, which he also calls "ih-ees."  He also generally uses this label to point out birds. And squirrels. And people.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Walter Art Museum

Yesterday, we went to an art gallery in Baltimore.  Here is Quinn enjoying the bugs and butterflies.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

18 months old

Today Quinn went to the doctor for his18 month appointment.  Fortunately for him, he did not need any shots.  Here are his stats:

Weight:  23 lbs, 15.5 oz (30th percentile)
Length:  33 inches (70th percentile)

Since I didn't post his 15 month stats, here they are for comparison:

Weight:  21 lbs, 7 oz (10th percentile)
Height:  30.5 inches (25th percentile)

The doctor said he is doing great!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shady Grove Family Day

Today we visited Smoky Glen Farm for Shady Grove's annual family day. This was the first time we've gone.  It was a beautiful place even without the sun shining. We ate good food, listened to music ( Quinn really enjoyed the acapella group), visited some farm animals, and Quinn rode a pony. A fun time was had by all!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog Resurrected!

I decided that I was probably posting too many pictures and videos of Quinn on Facebook, and have probably been blocked by friends who are tired of seeing him everyday.  I, of course, do not get tired of seeing that handsome little man everyday, and I'm sure that there are 4 grandparents, some aunts, uncles, cousins, and a few friends who do not get tired of seeing those sweet chubby cheeks everyday, so this blog has been resurrected to make everyone happy!  Please visit as often as you'd like.  :)  I even downloaded the blog app on my phone to make posting easier (it's so simple to just post to Facebook from my phone, which is why I have been doing that lately), so if I figure out how to use the app, you just might see more frequent posts from me!  Quinn goes to his 18 month appointment next week, so I'll update the stats for you then, unless in the meantime I can find his 15 months stats.  Enjoy the video of our little guy finally walking, though I must say he doesn't choose to walk.  He would much rather crawl.  I had to make the park a "no crawl, no carry" zone in order to get him to do some walking.