Quinn's actual age

Quinn's adjusted age

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Splash Pad

Splash pads are big here.  There are a lot of them! I can't even think of one such place near us in Maryland (except maybe the fountain that I've seen kids playing in in downtown Silver Spring).  It was a really neat place, and once Quinn gets used to it, I think he'll enjoy going.  He barely got wet this time around, but his cousins showed him how it's done!

The Smokies

A few weeks ago, we headed to the Smoky Mountains for a hike on the "Middle Prong Trail."  The trail is over 8 miles (4 out, 4 back) but we decided to just do half, since we didn't know how Quinn would do.  He actually did wonderfully, and walked about 3 of those 4 miles.  Dad carried him in the back pack from time to time.  We hiked along a river, picnicked at a waterfall, and had a wonderful time enjoying God's creation.

Our picnic spot

To me, this scene looked like it was right out of a picture book. 

This old car was right off the trail.  We read about it and were glad to find it.

Puzzle Power!

Quinn is really into putting puzzles together right now.  We generally put together his Pete the Cat puzzle at least once a day.  He also has a Cars puzzle that he enjoys.  Because we put them together so often, he is getting familiar with the pieces and becoming more independent in putting the puzzles together.  I generally tell him what piece to look for (for example, "Find a piece with red letters") and he gets so excited when he finds it and shows it to me. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Annual trip to the UP

We were blessed to be able to take make our annual journey to the upper peninsula of Michigan this summer.  With our recent move, we weren't sure if we'd be able to go.  But everything worked out and we were able to enjoy friends, water, games, relaxation, and plenty of ice cream!

Most of his time was spent knee-deep in water and sand


Working on a masterpiece


I spotted Woody Woodpecker on this tree.  Can you see him?

The annual channel swim

This year, Quinn was able to walk all the way to the Kissing Bridge

Beautiful colors of the sunset

The SS Valley Camp.  There's a museum inside!

On the Lock Boat Tour

Passing by a freighter

The lighthouses on this building were neat

Lock closing behind us

Filling up with water

Almost full, a view from the front

Out fishin'

Scenes from my morning jogs

Scenes from my morning jogs

Scenes from my morning jogs

Annual photo of all the kiddos

Annual photo at the kissing bridge

Blue moon

See you next year!