Quinn's actual age

Quinn's adjusted age

Saturday, September 5, 2015

On the trail

A few weeks ago on the greenway, we saw a group of 10 high school girls running together.  We pulled over our entourage (me, hubby, Quinn, and the empty stroller) to let them pass.  Just ahead of us, they ran over a bridge.  Once they got to the other side of the bridge, a squirrel darted at full speed toward their group, but stopped and reversed its course as the entire group of girls screamed in unison and tried to run away from the squirrel.  We all got a good laugh, but I cried from laughing so hard when Quinn then ran over the bridge screaming, sounding just like the girls.  They all turned and laughed as well.  Now, every time we go over the bridge, this happens (sorry for the You Tube link, for some reason I can't upload the video directly to the blog):

We have deemed this bridge "Screaming Squirrel Bridge."

The trail has some fitness stations as well, which Quinn enjoys.  He has learned how to do this:

No children were harmed in the making of this video.