Quinn's actual age

Quinn's adjusted age

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For my adoring fans...

Here is a video of me to tide over my fans until mom and dad can clean up from the flood in our condo!

Friday, January 20, 2012

2 month check up

Weight:  7 lbs, 15.5 oz
Height:  20"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One more month...

In exactly one month, I'll be going back to work full time.  I am cutting my hours to 36, and will work four 9-hour days.  I really wish I didn't have to go back to work, but our current situation dictates that I do.  I also wish I could only work part-time, but at my current job, that is not an option.  There are a lot of factors involved in why I don't want to switch jobs, but I'm still going to keep my options open.  It would be great if we could move to a more inexpensive location, but our home value has dropped so much that we feel stuck here at the moment.

I feel blessed that our moms will be coming to look after him for a few months when I first go back to work.  I know they will take great care of him.  But I am anxious about sending him to daycare after that.  Will he get the attention he needs?  Will they treat him well?  I am praying that a great daycare situation falls into our laps. 

I always thought that I would be bored at home looking after a child, and that I would want to work.  Now that I have a child, I no longer feel that way.  It's not that I mind working, it's just that I'd rather spend the time with Quinn, and there is so much to do at home to keep me busy enough (particularly now since we don't yet have the nursery ready, but it seems like all I do at the moment is feed him, or pump--which is what I'm doing as I type this).

I know that ultimately God has a plan and will work everything out, and I need to trust that. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Adjusted Birthday, Quinn!

Today was Quinn's original due date.  My sister-in-law said that it is strange to think about this, because it feels like he's been around forever.  And it does feel that way!  I kept the pregnancy ticker up on the blog just as a reminder, and to see what would happen, and it was kind of anticlimactic.  I think there are tickers to keep up with your child's age--perhaps I will add one for his real age and one for his adjusted age.  The books I've read say that you should go by his adjusted age when looking at milestones, height, and weight.  I've also read that preemies generally don't catch up until they are 2 or 3 years old, but I have a feeling that Quinn will catch up more quickly.  He doesn't have his next official weigh in until January 19, but I weighed him on our scale yesterday, and it showed 7 lbs.  Of course this isn't extremely accurate, but at least it gives us an idea.

This past week, Quinn got to meet more grandparents!