Quinn's actual age

Quinn's adjusted age

Monday, November 7, 2011


I took the 3 hour glucose test on Friday. The test wasn't so bad. The glucola I had to drink was twice as sweet as the one I drank for the first test, but it still didn't taste as horrible as Pedialyte. I got a lot of reading done (about how to have an "easy labor") while I waited, so it was actually much more relaxing than going to work. I found out today that I passed! Praise the Lord! I celebrated with a Peppermint Chocolate Chip shake from Chik-fil-a. Don't worry, I had a salad for dinner. :)

This past Saturday was my baby shower. What a wonderful day! It was filled with family, friends, food, and fun! I am indebted to my awesome party-planners. While it was a great day, I was exhausted afterwards. It was great to have much of Sunday to lay on the couch, nap, and take a bath (thanks to the party favors: a bag filled with hot cocoa, chocolate, a bath fizzy, and a candle. I made use of all during my bath. Aaaahhhh...it was lovely).

Some photos to enjoy: