Quinn's actual age

Quinn's adjusted age

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Things I've learned in Tennessee

Less than a month ago, we made the big move to Tennessee!  We are learning our way around, and getting ourselves established here.  There are so many things to do, and the town we live in has a great walking/running/biking trail that we visit regularly.  I'm hopeful that when we buy a home (we are currently renting) it will be walking distance from the trail.  I've compiled a list of things that I've learned (in no particular order) in TN so far:

1.  You don't need a license plate on the front of the car, so I can have this:

2.  I haven't seen anyone besides us with an EZ Pass.

3.  No need to dial the area code.

4. When using drop down boxes for the state in online forms, TN is the first "T" state alphabetically, so no need to scroll down like we did for MD (hey, it's the little things, right?)

5.  Life is more fun with family:

6.  There are SO MANY CHURCHES.  We can walk to three of them within 5 minutes, and we currently live pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

7.  A sand volleyball pit after the rain is a fun place to play:

8.  Tennesseans brake for wildlife:

9.  Every town in the world should have a trail like this:

10. There is plenty for a curious little monkey to do:

We love TN!